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How do I create a web form that contains pre-populated fields?

I want to send a web form to my current customers. I would like to make the fields, the information on which I already know about my customers, to be automatically filled in (populated). How do I do it?  

SuperOffice Forms allows you to create a web form with pre-defined values. As an example, if you decide to send a survey to your existing customers, it might be more convenient for them not to type in their name and e-mail address, since they are already stored in your CRM. Instead, this information can be inserted into the form fields automatically. 

To learn how it can be done, simply follow the steps below:

  1. Create a new form, please check this video to learn how.
  2. Click on Publish (1), select the Show with pre-filled fields (2) option, and copy the Direct link (3).

  3. Adjust the Direct link by inserting either a variable or a value after the field name = symbol.

    • Example 1, if we want this form automatically fill in a name and an e-mail in the form of the person who clicked on the link. The link should look like this:[[customer.firstname]]&field_Contact%20-%20E-mail=[[]]&field_How%20do%20evaluate%20out%20support%20team%3F=

    • Example 2, if we want this form automatically have checkbox selected after the person click to open the form, add the wanted check box text with [“xxx”] (“xxx” = text of the check box) after the field name.[”One”]

    • Example 3, if you want to have 2 or more checkboxes selected use the syntax below[”One” , ”Two”] 

    • Check for another example in the page 30 of this What's New in SuperOffice Document and Pre-fill checkbox in form - set multiple values - How?

  4. Create a new mailing, please check this video to learn how.

  5. Then choose the place where you want to insert the link to your form and paste it in the URL field.

  6. When the recipient will click on the form link, the fields will get automatically pre-filled as in the example below.

Note! Template variables will work only if you send out a link to the form via the SuperOffice Mailing.


More information

FAQ: How do I get an overview of all available template variables for Service and Mailing?